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Why Is Your Nose Burning?

Jul 30, 2022 | Blog

Your nose is one of the few openings in the body that has a particular function to perform. Breathing is crucial for life sustenance, and that is majorly through the nose. This structure has a natural defense mechanism to stop any foreign entry, but what if its starts burning all of a sudden? Let’s take a deeper look at the reasons behind a burning nose and remedies to stop it from happening.

Sinus infection – Sinusitis

Inflammation of the sinus cavities is known as sinusitis. It causes a range of troubling symptoms such as a headache, head spinning, and pressure, rhinitis, or even a burning nose sensation. Sinusitis may or may not be a result of the influenza virus or any bacteria.

Treatment: Treatment starts as soon as a proper diagnosis of sinus infection is made (bacteria or virus). In any case, either antibiotics or antivirals will be given. Moreover, you can deal with pressure in the head by using decongestants. You can always opt for home remedies to stop burning nose symptom if you have sinusitis.

Cold and flu

Both conditions show up with sneezing, burning nostrils, and headache as symptoms because of nasal mucosa (airways) irritation.

Treatment: antiviral medicines work for viruses, but medications for symptomatic relief are a must which includes acetaminophen, Tylenol etc. Make sure to have adequate hydration—incorporate fluids such as juice and water into your diet.

Hay fever

In hay fever, the nasal mucosa undergoes inflammation due to irritants, such as dust, pet hair, pollen, feathers, perfume, etc. These triggers cause rhinitis, itchiness, and a burning sensation in the nose.

Treatment: Preventing hay fever is essential, and for that, you must make sure that your living space is free from irritants; that is easily achievable with regular cleaning. In case of further health deterioration, antihistamines or allergy injections may be prescribed to stop the nose from burning up.


Sometimes, a few medications may turn your nasal passage dry which consequently leads to a burning sensation inside it. One of the drugs/medicine that does this is a nasal decongestion spray. Some sprays have certain ingredients that irritate the nose, eventually increasing the risk for infection.

Treatment: If you can’t stop your nose from burning after taking a particular medicine, report your symptoms immediately to your doctor and ask for alternatives. As far as nasal decongestants are concerned, any different type that does not irritate with its chemical substances would do. One way to get rid of nasal irritation is to use cool water for relief.

Climate Changes

One of the leading causes of this issue is extreme dry weather. When the surrounding air is too hot or lacks adequate moisture, humidity dries up the airways. This results in your nostrils burning during inhalation.

Moreover, apart from dry weather, air conditioner exposure to an individual for a long span may also cause your nasal passage to dry out and a consequent burn.

Treatment: If humidity and dry weather are the culprits, then a simple home remedy can save your nose from burning while breathing in; simply keep a bowl or a glass of water in that room.

The moisture will add humidity to the air. Moreover, drinking plenty of water and rinsing your nose with the saline solution also help moisturize.


Get your healthcare professional on board if the burning sensation is not limited to your nose. Why don’t you contact Pulmonary Medical Consultants? We can surely help you out. Dial (281) 357-1300 to set an appointment.


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